Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Messiest Kind of Love

Don't wait to be happy when the mess is cleaned up. When the kids are older. When your house is spic and span. When the bills are paid. When you get that promotion. When the test results come back. When the house is paid off. When they behave better. When they don't make so many messes. When they aren't so wild. When they aren't so challenging. When they start eating better. When you can afford it. When everything isn't so complicated. When you can finally get some sleep. When you're not so stressed out. When they're out of diapers. When you can go places again. When everything slows down. When the weekend gets here. When summer's here. When they're out of school. When they don't make you worry so much.

When you aren't so busy. 

Because their time is coming.

When they won't nestle in your neck and twirl your hair. When they won't grab you by the face and give you a cheesy grin. When they won't hold your hand anymore. When they won't need you to push them on the swing set. When they won't need that fifth bedtime story. When they won't need you to rock them to sleep. When they won't laugh at your jokes. When they won't be scared of the dark. When they won't look for you in the crowd and wave. When they won't climb into your lap. When they won't tell you everything. When they won't kiss you on the lips. When you can't pick them up anymore. When they won't ask you to kiss their boo boos.

When they're too busy. 
So go play, Mama. Get dirty. Dig in the dirt and breathe in. Feel the sunshine on your face. Catch the fireflies and stay in your pajamas all day. Whisper in his ear and show him how to blow bubbles in his chocolate milk. Spray her with the water hose and listen to her laugh. Sing songs with her at the top of your lungs and play dress up with her. Teach her to curtsy like a princess and teach him to open the door for ladies. Make cookies and get flour on your faces. Color and paint a funny picture with him and laugh your heads off. Tickle like crazy. Dive right into the chilly water. Lie on your backs and stare at the stars. Roll down the hill and get grass in your hair. Turn up the radio and dance in the kitchen. Pray and cry. Dunk your Oreos in your milk. Run in your bare feet. Get down in the grass and look at the bugs. Show him the mountains and the ocean. Scratch his back until he falls asleep, and play tea party with her while you can. This is joy. This is love. 

Forget the what if's and the unknown's. Forget the pressure of kindergarten, middle school, high school, driving, or college. Let go of your expectations. Pray and breathe. Forge bonds with your family and friends or rekindle the ones you once had. Ask for help when you need it. Really and truly love and be loved. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Forget the fear of not being enough or doing enough. Don't wait for tomorrow; be happy now for tomorrow is just a trick of the mind.
As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. John 15: 9-12
"For My Babies"
You won’t always be little, so I must teach you
You need me to lead you, to simply show you how.
My greatest desire for you is to love and make
Never forget to give, be kind, and truly make
Because time is always fleeting, never to
And joy is a choice; respect has to be earned.
First comes the Lord, the ultimate foundation. 
He will keep your path straight and away from temptation. 
Next comes Family then church, friends, and community. 
Don't ever for a second forsake this irreplaceable unity. 
Hello, how are you, please and thank you
Yes ma'am and no sir are all important, too.
Be kind and honest; this is what matters, you
Unlock your true happiness; grace is the key.
For remarkable beauty, plant a seed of hope
To truly change your life, to see the grand
Be the person you wish you had always been.
Be thankful God gives us grace; he pardons our

Live in the moment or the chaos will turn to sorrow. 
Life is too short-lived to dwell on your past and your tomorrow.
Walk in the light, little ones; be humble and strong.
Cling to the Lord, for he can do no wrong.
Life is too short to live in doubt and fear. 
Never cease to pray; always keep the Lord near.
Live a good life, and keep your mind on things from above.
And, dear ones, if you ever happen to forget, the answer
is always love.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Greatest Show on Earth

Sometimes the circus comes to town, and you just have to watch it. It's loud. It's crazy, and everything is really expensive. People are setting things on fire over here and caged animals are running through hoops over there. Everyone's singing at the tops of their lungs, walking on tight ropes, flipping, and dancing around while you cram animal crackers in your mouth. Over stimulated? That's an understatement. Frazzled? You know it. 

But it is mesmerizing. It's so beautiful it takes your breath away. And in a New York minute, it's over. The music, dancing, the childlike exuberance is gone. 

And one day our kids will be grown. And we will wish we could sit by the bathtub cramming animal crackers in our mouths one last time. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Our Souls Were Made to Crave: Guest Post with Lindsey Whitten Overton

               Are you as tired as I am? I mean, does your laundry pile have a bottom? Where do all of these plastic cups come from? I swear, our neighbors must be dropping off a few extras into my sink! Between trying to be a good wife, chasing after the kids’ activities, managing our household, going to church, working, remodeling a house, going back to school, and all of the other things I manage to get myself into I am EXHAUSTED!

                I did not used to feel this way. I have considered the possibility of, “I am just getting older…”, but let’s be honest, I am in my 30’s. I should still have the energy to do everything God has called me to. If Sarah can have a baby in her 90’s, surely, I can handle my little crew at 30, right?

                A friend recently said, “You seem like you have it together…how do you manage?” I wanted to crumble and cry and tell her the truth, which is I am scraping by; however, I mustered up a superficial answer that I can’t even remember. As the words came out of my mouth they were bitter and immediately regretted.

                What has happened to me…where did my joy go? What about my zest for pursuing God’s heart or following the Lord on crazy adventures? Where did the positive attitude go for serving my family?  Why has picking up after my husband become something that stirs up an attitude of resentment or anger? Where is this all coming from? Ladies, please tell me that I am not alone. I have to believe other moms must feel this overwhelmed feeling too.

I sat down to do my quiet time recently. As I opened my bible, I realized, wow…it has been weeks since I sat down to actually study. Not days, it has progressed to weeks. The Holy Spirit spoke so loudly to me that I looked around to see if anyone else could hear. The WORD…my soul was starving! I had neglected the one thing that I have built my life around. The one constant in my life, the source of strength, the power to face challenges, the hope for my future, the joy of my day…Jesus.

When we operate in our flesh, our physical, everyday lives, we are leaving Him out. Because I hadn’t found my place and I didn’t understand his plan for me in Alabama, I became frustrated, which led to bitterness, and ultimately left me feeling overwhelmed and empty.

Romans 8 teaches us that if we walk in the flesh, we think only on those things. If we open our eyes and walk in His spirit, we live and think in the spirit. Later it says that the spirit’s mind-set is life and peace, whereas the mind-set of the flesh is death. Here it is sweet sisters, the answer to why we are feeling overworked, overwhelmed, dissatisfied, etc. We have to connect ourselves to Jesus every single day. He is the source of a full life and a peace-filled heart.

Our souls were made to crave…what are we filling it with? As we walk into this new year, my soul is set on a new course. I am choosing life and peace. I don’t know about you but those feelings of “death’ are too much for me. I do not find any joy in that! I need and want more out of life. If you are looking for love, acceptance, encouragement, peace, hope, whatever your heart is craving, look in the Word of the Lord, the source of everything our souls could need. He is waiting patiently for you to come and sit at his feet. He longs to spend time with you today!

If you have questions, want to know more about walking with Jesus, or would like someone to pray with or encourage you, I would love to talk! My cell is 229-400-5810 or you can email me overtonlindsey@gmail.com .
Be blessed, dear sister. You are loved far beyond what you can imagine!

James 4:8 “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.”